As a company founded on assisting the underprivileged to obtain essential medicines which they needed, investments into the community through various corporate social responsibility is in every part of our being.
At Citihealth, we believe that our growth as a country goes hand in hand with uplifting our communities through opportunities that impart confidence.
At Citihealth, we believe in empowering rural community members to become self reliant through teaching new skills and providing employment opportunities to create long term macro and micro economic effects for Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka is a biodiverse island full of treasures from Mother Earth. Preserving the island’s natural beauty through environmentally conscious business decisions is part of our core operations initiative.
Citihealth firmly believes in providing opportunities to underprivileged children through enhancing their standard of learning. Education is the founding block for building self confidence, communication skills, and all around development; propelling children to fearlessly achieve their dreams.
Sri Lanka’s vibrant history is deep rooted in world history. the preservation, conservation, and protection of the nation’s artifacts enables the citizens of Sri Lanka to understand our roots and the citizens of the world to appreciate our culture for many years to come.